Jediism vs Realism

The Keeper 2018
Jediism vs Realism

Years back in the early year 2000. The Jedi community experienced a divide in beliefs and direction. The common practice being based around a lifestyle choice to better oneself and train hard in the things that supported our “Betterment” subjects such as the “Mind” “Body” & “Spirit” and developing practices that touched on these aspects of an individual’s everyday life. The mind so that a jedi could learn to communicate, think critically and mediate tough situations. The Body so that we could be healthy both in common health and in physical practices that got you up out of your chair and moving actively and of course, the Spirit. Learning meditation, the force, and understanding the self through the reading of philosophy. These members called themselves “Jedi Realists” because it was their goal to separate from the fictional ideas of the Star Wars Jedi, and do things for real.

Other’s sought to add to the above ideas and practice by making the Jedi Community structured similar to other churches and religious groups. The ability to Marry others as Jedi and be accepted publicly as Jedi was an especial drive for this branch off. To do that, these members worked towards Legal associations which require specific legal standards in order to be recognized in such ways. One of which was to announce yourself as a “Religion” to have a “Church” along with a lengthy set of “Standard Worship” - “Codes” - “Public Charitable Action” and so “Jediism” was born. 

At the heart of each group the belief, practice and ideals are very much the same. It is simply the execution that separates them from one to the other and all are dependant on the leader’s of each individual groups.

  • Temple of the Jedi Order for example has an extensive Doctrine, holds weekly sermons, applies a standard training practice, and has a clergy staff on hand to teach Jedi in the ability to legally marry others. (among other things
  • Institute for Jedi Realism however hold classes similar to university studies based around the common practices mentioned above. It is a place to simply study as Jedi without any obligations or group associations.

Each has its pro’s and con’s and you will always find a group that takes their definitions a step further in order to distance from either categorization. But no matter how a group is lead or what each individual identifies themselves as. All are simply working towards being Jedi - It is up to you to decide where you choose to hang your cap.

Journal Entry

  • If you were to create a Jedi Group, what are some common structures you would apply? Would you teach Jedi Studies? Would you hold Sermon’s or group chats? Write a presentation on your own pretend Jedi Group! Remember to have fun with it! 


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