Codex Introduction

For the Just Jedi study materials, AKA: Just Jedi's Codex. 

I will attempt to use a blogger format to store and share the Just Jedi study materials 
instead of the forum. This will, I hope, provide a larger range of formatting options while providing membership communication and sharing ability.

While I will continually update, add, take away and improve lesson structure over time. And much of these lessons can be in our files section on our Facebook Group.
This is the list of lessons so far.

Back to Basics

What Is Jedi?
What is Jediism & Jedi Realism?
What is the difference to Cosplay?
What is 'The Community?'
What are the common ranks of Jedi?
Jedi In Religion
Jedi In Family
Jedi Online
What are Gatherings?
What are Chapters?
Jedi Offline
What is 'The Force?'
What is 'The Darkside' & 'Lightside'
How does one 'Worship' The Force?


What Is Just Jedi?
Who Is Kata Kitty?
What is the Tree of J.J.?
Site Navigation
   - Datacrons
   - Discussion Board
   - Blog

Ranks & Professions


Set Your Goals
Examine your habits 
Prepare your Dojo
Gather your equipment 
Remember Safety First 
Commit The Basics To Memory
Steps Towards Execution of Study Goals


Communication Intro
The Hard Truth
Identifying L&C.T.
The Light & Darkside of Bias
Confirmation Bias
Availability Heuristics
Online Awareness
Offline Awareness
Vblog's Awareness
Media Awareness
Logical & Critical Thinking

Key Stones

Key Stone's Codex

- The Roots
- The Force

Create your own key stones

The Force

Prima Vitae - Understanding The Aura
Sensing Aura (Of The Hand)
Of The Beast
Of Men, Women & Children
Sensing Aura [Of Many]
Sensing Aura (Of Objects)
Tactus otium
Finding the Rapids Inside
Finding the Rapids Outside
Identifying The Rapids
The Resonance of Opposites
Magnifying The Senses
Minerals, Metals & Stones


Meditation Introduction
External & Personal Environment(s)
Methods of Posture & Positions
Personal Meditation
Proper Breathing

Physical Fitness

Force Salutations


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