The Doctrine of the Temple of the Jedi Order
The Keeper 2018 The Doctrine of the Temple of the Jedi Order The 33 Jedi teachings created by the founders of Jedi Sanctuary touched not just the hearts of it’s members, but those seeking to achieve higher goals. Temple of the Jedi Order sought to create an order that allowed it’s membership to become ordained and perform legal marriages (Among other things) without the piggybacking of baseless organizations like the United Life Church (ULC) where all it took was a bit of money and Q&A. Instead Jedi would be put through a training system in order to achieve these goals. Reaching out to Jedi Sanctuary. Temple of the Jedi Order asked Jedi Sanctuary permission to use some of their Teachings in their own Doctrine. And after some refining, re-wording and restructuring they developed the temple’s 16 Teachings. Later, the 21 Maxims was added to the temple Doctrines along with other various additions to create the whole of what they uphold to today. Journal Entry ...